Students study art in the museum

    On August 7 and 10, 2023, students of the Faculty of Pedagogy, Psychology and Arts of the Central Ukrainian State University named after Volodymyr Vynnychenko visited the O.O.Osmerkin Art Memorial Museum and actively participated in the museum art project "Art Studios" on the topics: "Portraits of contemporaries against the background war" and "Museum still life - 2023".
    Mastering the technique of drawing still life, the 4th-year students under the guidance of their mentors from the department of art education, teacher Lyubov Huseva and senior teacher Larysa Kulinich, who, by the way, is a member of the National Union of Artists and Masters of Folk Art of Ukraine, as well as a laureate of the regional award in the field of architecture, heraldry and vexillology and decorative and applied art named after Yakov Pauchenko, skillfully recreated the portrait of a model in the interior of the memorial hall, where the art exhibition "Invincible" is exhibited - a portrait gallery of the people of Kropyvnytskyi, created by professional artists in the conditions of martial law in Ukraine. And the students, together with their teacher, associate professor of the department, candidate of pedagogical sciences, member of the National Union of Artists and Masters of Folk Art of Ukraine, Yulia Malezhik, performed a creative task - a still life, in which the main compositional component was the symbol of the indomitability of Ukrainians, the "Borodyansky cockerel", which is now an exhibit of the presented in the museum of the thematic exhibition "ART shelter for artists".
    So, during the educational and artistic event, students had the opportunity to make sure that the statement of the world-famous French artist Auguste Renoir: "Art is learned in a museum" is relevant even in our turbulent times, because honing one's artistic skills in a museum atmosphere is extremely interesting and motivating to acquire professional artistic experience and improve knowledge of the academic painting school.

Art studios under the leadership of senior teacher
Larysa Kulinich and teacher Lyubov Huseva

August 7, 2023


Art studios under the leadership of
Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences Yulia Malezhik

August 10, 2023